Project Descriptions

Some projects that I’ve worked on:

Higher Order Equivariant Neural Networks for Charge Density Prediction in Materials

Density functional theory (DFT) calculations yield stable material structures and their properties, yet are extremely computationally intensive. In this paper, we show that equivariant graph neural networks can model the electron density distribution in a wide range of materials, amounting to a 27% speedup in DFT calculations. This work could be applied for faster discovery of materials used in solar cells, batteries, and other electronics.

RadTex: Learning Efficient Radiograph Representations from Text Reports

Winner of Best Paper Award, REMIA Workshop, MICCAI 2022
Limited labeled data in the medical domain poses a challenge to training deep learning models for medical diagnostics tasks. In this paper, we address this lack of labeled data with a radiology report generation pretraining task. Not only does such a task learn chest X-ray representations for efficient downstream transfer, but it also provides interpretability to practicioners through textual output.

CHASER: Modular Autonomy for sUAS Operations

Small teams in the field (search and rescue, reconnaisance, etc.) can benefit from the situational awareness and data streams provided by small Uncrewed Aerial Systems (sUAS), yet the operation of such vehicles draws personell away from mission-critical tasks. In this paper, we develop modular autonomous capabilities for sUAS systems beyond what is available in off-the-shelf systems, with the goal of reducing burden on operators. We demonstrated a computer vision and radar-guided aerial chase of a rogue sUAS.

Automated Diagnostics from Chest X-Rays

Radiology reports are an underused resource for training deep learning algorithms for automated medical diagnostics. Leveraging paired chest x-rays and corresponding text reports, we present a novel method for training models that extracts more useful information from medical images to improve image analysis tasks.

Physical Amplification of Chemical Colorimetric Sensing

Colorimetric sensing materials exhibit color-change in the presence of environmental stimuli, acting as low-SWAP detectors for hazardous chemicals. The addition of a finely tuned Fabry-Perot cavity to the surface of chemically-active sensing materials is quantitatively shown to increase color change, as perceived by the human eye, and a model for optimization of structure is presented.


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